- Air-Potato
- Dioscorea bulbifera
- Bamboo
- Several non-native genera
- Brazilian Peppertree
- Schinus terebinthifolius
- Callery pear
- Pyrus calleryana
- Chinese Privet
- Ligustrum sinense
- Chinese Tallow Tree
- Triadica sebifera
- Cogongrass
- Imperata cylindrica
- Japanese Climbing Fern
- Lygodium japonicum
- Japanese Stiltgrass
- Microstegium vimineum
- Johnson Grass
- Sorghum halepense
- Kudzu
- Pueraria lobata
- Thorny Olive
- Elaeagnus pungens
- Tree of Heaven
- Ailanthus altissima
Brazilian Peppertree
The Brazilian peppertree is native to Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil, and was introduced to Florida in the mid-1800s. This invasive plant grows as a tree or a shrub, reaching heights of up to 40’. Brazilian peppertree aggressively invades nearly all types of ecosystems, and is currently found in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, and Texas. Leaves have a reddish midrib, and smell of turpentine when crushed. The fruits change from green to bright red as they ripen, and are spread by small mammals or birds. Seedlings have a very high rate of survival, and can form dense thickets that crowd out other plants. Brazilian peppertree is considered poor habitat for native wildlife, and may lead to allergic skin reactions on some people. Management tactics include burning, cutting, and herbicide treatment, but efforts must be maintained to fully suppress regrowth.
Brazilian pepper-tree (Schinus terebinthifolius )
University of Florida, 2015Brazilian Pepper-tree Control
University of Florida, 2018Brazilian Peppertree - Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the Eastern United States
USDA-ARS and University of Florida, 2002Brazilian Peppertree Thrips Pseudophilothrips ichini (Hood) (Insecta: Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae)
UF/IFAS Extension, 2019Brazilian peppertree: a poster child for invasive plants in Florida
University of Florida, 2013Florida's Brazilian Peppertree Management Plan
University of Florida and Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, 2006Weed alert: Brazilian pepper
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation CommissionTales of Invaders from Two Continents: Air Potato and Brazilian Peppertree
University of Florida, 2020Brazilian Pepper, Schinus terebinthifolius, In the Thicket
University of Florida, 2011