- Air-Potato
- Dioscorea bulbifera
- Bamboo
- Several non-native genera
- Brazilian Peppertree
- Schinus terebinthifolius
- Callery pear
- Pyrus calleryana
- Chinese Privet
- Ligustrum sinense
- Chinese Tallow Tree
- Triadica sebifera
- Cogongrass
- Imperata cylindrica
- Japanese Climbing Fern
- Lygodium japonicum
- Japanese Stiltgrass
- Microstegium vimineum
- Johnson Grass
- Sorghum halepense
- Kudzu
- Pueraria lobata
- Thorny Olive
- Elaeagnus pungens
- Tree of Heaven
- Ailanthus altissima
Cogongrass has been named one of the 10 worst weeds in the world. Native to Southeast Asia, cogongrass was introduced to the southeastern U.S. over a century ago and has rapidly invaded disturbed areas across the southeastern U.S., including pastures, fallow fields, forests, and highway and powerline rights-of-way. Seeds are typically wind-dispersed, but the plant can spread vegetatively through rhizomes (roots); these rhizomes can be spread to new places on vehicles and equipment. Cogongrass produces upright stems up to 4’ tall, and usually grows so thick it crowds out competing vegetation. Stems are generally light green with a yellowish color. The midrib of leaves is offset (not in the center of the leaf). Cogongrass flowers early in the growing season (spring), whereas most native grasses flower in summer or fall. Control of cogongrass is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive, involving a combination of mechanical and chemical treatments. There are no known effective biological control methods.
Biology, Ecology, and Control of Cogongrass [Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.]
Mississippi State University and USDA-ARS, 1999Cogon Grass
Florida Division of Forestry, 2002Cogongrass
Mississippi State University, 2010Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) invasions in the US: Mechanisms, impacts, and threats to biodiversity
University of Florida, 2015Cogongrass biology and management in the southeastern U.S.
University of Florida, Southern Regional Extension Forestry, 2018Cogongrass management FAQ
Alabama Cooperative Extension System, 2014Field Guide to the Identification of Cogongrass: With Comparisons to Other Look-Alike Species
Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities, 2022Field Guide to the Identification of Cogongrass
University of Georgia, 2006Identifying and controlling cogongrass in Georgia
University of Georgia, 2005Pushing toward Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) Patch Eradication: The Influence of Herbicide Treatment and Application Timing on Cogongrass Rhizome Elimination
Auburn University, 2014Stop cogongrass hitchhikers
Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, 2009Cogongrass management: past, present, and future
University of Florida, 2016Invasive Grasses of the Southeast
Auburn University, 2021Managing Troublesome Invasive Grasses in Eastern Forests
Auburn University, 2014Cogongrass - The perfect weed.
Lamar Co. Conservation District, Mississippi NRCS, 2011Cogongrass Identification
UGA Thomas Co. Extension, 2010cogongrass.org