- Air-Potato
- Annosum Root Rot
- Asian Longhorned Beetle
- Bamboo
- Beech Leaf Disease
- Brazilian Peppertree
- Callery pear
- Chinese Privet
- Chinese Tallow Tree
- Cogongrass
- Elm Zigzag Sawfly
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Fall Cankerworm
- Forest Management
- Balancing Objectives and Outcomes for Wildlife Habitat and Forest Management
- Guide to Herbicide Application Windows During a Southern Pine Rotation to Improve Productivity
- Hardwood Forest Management for Health and Productivity
- Herbaceous Forest Vegetation Management
- Integrative Forest Management for Wildlife and Forest Health
- Managing Forests for Wildlife and Forest Health
- Pine Straw Management in the Southeastern U.S.
- Risk Assessments for Non-Native Species
- General Forest Health
- Spongy Moth
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
- Japanese Climbing Fern
- Japanese Stiltgrass
- Johnson Grass
- Laurel Wilt
- Oak Decline
- Oak Wilt
- Pine Needle Diseases
- Prescribed fire
- Southern Pine Beetle
- Southern Pine Decline
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Thousand Cankers Disease
- Forest Economics
- Tree of Heaven
- Urban Forests
- Weather and Climate
search:Dr. David Coyle (Associate Professor and State Extension Specialist – Clemson University) will discuss Asian longhorned beetle biology, impact, and management and will give an update on ongoing research in South Carolina.
Dr. Bud Mayfield (Research Entomologist – US Forest Service) will discuss laurel wilt and give an update on recent developments in disease spread, impact, and management.
Dr. David Clabo (Assistant Professor of Silviculture Outreach – University of Georgia) will cover herbicide use in pine stands, including herbicide options for site preparation through midrotation.
Dr. Caterina Villari (Associate Professor & Co-Director of Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative – University of Georgia) will discuss common loblolly pine needle diseases across the southeastern U.S., signs of disease, and management techniques.
Dr. Demian Gomez (Regional Forest Health Coordinator - Texas A&M Forest Service) will discuss oak wilt - what causes it and what you can do to manage it.