Webinars by Topic
Annosum Root Rot
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Beech Leaf Disease
Brazilian Peppertree
Callery pear
Chinese Privet
Chinese Tallow Tree
Elm Zigzag Sawfly
Emerald Ash Borer
Fall Cankerworm
Forest Management
General Forest Health
Spongy Moth
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Japanese Climbing Fern
Japanese Stiltgrass
Johnson Grass
Laurel Wilt
Oak Decline
Oak Wilt
Pine Needle Diseases
Prescribed fire
Southern Pine Beetle
Southern Pine Decline
Spotted Lanternfly
Thousand Cankers Disease
Forest Economics
Tree of Heaven
Urban Forests
Weather and Climate


Spongy Moth (Formerly Known as Gypsy Moth): Recent Impacts, Spread, and Management of a Non-Native Defoliator
October 18, 2023

Dr. Tom Coleman (Entomologist & Slow the Spread Program Manager – US Forest Service) will discuss spongy moth biology, management techniques, and give an update on its current range in the U.S.

Expanding the IPM Toolbox: Update on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Management in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
September 06, 2023

Dr. Robert Jetton (Associate Professor & Forest Health Specialist – North Carolina State University) will give an update on hemlock wooly adelgid in the southeastern U.S. and discuss biology and management techniques.

New Pests, New Problems
April 26, 2023

Dr. Kelly Oten (Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – North Carolina State University) will discuss new pests on the horizon in the southeastern U.S.

Integrated Pest Management of the Most Common Pests of Urban Trees
March 22, 2023

Dr. Kevin Chase (Entomologist – Bartlett Tree Experts) will discuss urban tree health issues in the southeastern U.S.

Managing Forests for Wildlife and Forest Health
February 22, 2023

Dr. Mark McConnell (Mississippi State University) will discuss forest management strategies to improve wildlife habitat while maintaining forest productivity and health in the southeastern U.S.

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