Webinars by Topic
Annosum Root Rot
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Brazilian Peppertree
Callery pear
Chinese Privet
Chinese Tallow Tree
Elm Zigzag Sawfly
Emerald Ash Borer
Fall Cankerworm
Spongy Moth
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Japanese Climbing Fern
Japanese Stiltgrass
Johnson Grass
Laurel Wilt
Oak Decline
Oak Wilt
Prescribed fire
Southern Pine Beetle
Southern Pine Decline
Spotted Lanternfly
Tree of Heaven
Weather and Climate


Hardwood Diseases in the southeastern U.S.
February 23, 2022

Dr. Ellen Crocker (UKY) provides a general overview of hardwood diseases in the southeastern U.S.

Fall cankerworm in the southeastern U.S.
November 10, 2021

Lori Chamberlin and Katlin DeWitt (Virginia Department of Forestry), provide a general overview of identification, impact, and management strategies for fall cankerworm in the southeastern U.S.

Management Considerations for Thousand Cankers Disease
October 20, 2021

Dr. Matthew Ginzel (Purdue), provides a general overview of identification, impact, and management strategies for thousand cankers disease (TCD) in the southeastern U.S.

Assessing Storm Damaged Forest Stands
September 15, 2021

Dr. David Dickens (UGA), will provide a general overview of storm damage assessment and potential management strategies for landowners.

Emerald ash borer: Where do we stand?
May 05, 2021

The emerald ash borer is an invasive insect that is killing ash trees in North America. Dr. Kelly Oten (NCSU) will provide a general overview of identification, impact, and management strategies for EAB in the southeastern U.S.

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